4301 Broadway, San Antonio, Texas 78209

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Join UIW Almuni, Maria Jose Escobar '10, for a special New Year yoga class on Sunday, January 19th at 9am, at Gayle and Tom Benson Stadium. 
This fun and lively class is designed to explore our body's capacity for strength, balance and flexibility. The popular yoga style, Vinyasa, requires no previous yoga experience, only an open mind to welcome the endless possibilities for the year ahead. 
Maria José Escobar graduated from UIW in 2010 from the H-E-B School of Business and Administration with a degree in International Business. After working in the corporate world for five years she continued her studies of holistic health by diving deep into the world of Ayurveda, meditation and yoga. She now works with clients one on one to help improve their health physically, mentally and spiritually using herbs, teas, oils, diet and lifestyle changes to create the life they want.
For more information visit her website at https://www.meztliliving.com/

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