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Sister Martha Ann Kirk, CCVI,  will be participating in the the Noble Peace Laureate Summit in Monterrey, Mexico with the Encuentro de Valores Humanos from September 18-21, 2024.

You are invited to this unique opportunity to reconnect with fellow alumni and Sister Martha Ann who began teaching at Incarnate Word in 1972. Are you among the 7,000 and some students whom she has had in her joyful classes over the years!

Sister Martha Ann and the Incarnate Word Sisters will be joining the summit as a result of their  2013 San Antonio Peace Laureate award.

Sister Martha Ann is bringing Dr. Patrick Muehlberger of the UIW School of Osteopathic Medicine who leads Street Medicine San Antonio which takes care to people without homes (  and five fine students, Adelina Geraghty, from SOM, Estrella Needham, a Psychology and Art undergraduate student,  and two Doctoral students in Education, Jacqueline Zavala Aguila, who serves in the Office of Research and Graduate Studies, and Teofilo Reyes who also serves in the Ettling Center.

Neda Oguz will also be joining the group, while Neda is still in high school, she is a part of the UIW Young Women’s Global Leadership Program

In the exhibit area of the summit, in the Charter for Compassion booth, Sister Martha Ann will share a project that she initiated called Artistic Bridges to promote understanding and peace.  Children aged 4-18 are invited to create, and then with their parents’ permission, post their creations to build friendships.  See the Exhibit Books shared from Guatemala, Uganda, San Antonio, Ukraine, and Palestine so far.

In her mission for peace, Sister Martha Ann invites the UIW community to join her global education project.  She is also helping to develop CompassionateUSA and furthering San Antonio’s flourishing as a City of Compassion within the global Charter for Compassion movement.

She featured in the PBS "Women, War, and Peace" series as a “Teacher of Peace.” and holds a Th.D. in Theology and Arts from the Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, CA. She has written six books, and visited over 30 countries, often leading students.

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